Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Jobless Teen.

I woke up this morning to my grandmother's incessant complaining that I need to wake up and job-hunt. It took me a half hour to get out of bed, because I haven't been able to sleep well in about a week. Then, I took a shower and got all sophistocated-looking. I ate breakfast, drank some coffee, smoked a cigarette, and went out to begin my entrance into the crashing economic system.
Currently, my grandparents hate me. I live with them, mooch off them, etc. I was supposed to leave for college last Sunday, but I got there and had a complete meltdown. Instead, I came home and I'm going to work for the next few months until I can start the spring semester at BCC. This is why I am being forced to search for a job. Dont get me wrong. I do want to be employed. It just isn't my choice to wake up early every morning and run around the big old town of Deposit in search of employment.
I know that I have problems holding onto money, but I really should start saving. I have no car as of yet, which is probably detrimental to the whole commuting situation. I also don't have much money for books, and I'm not sure how FAFSA's going to treat me in January, either. We'll see, I guess. Anyway, all this writing about my unemployed self is kind of depressing. So this is where I will conclude by saying: Goddamn, I need a jobby.

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