Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Girls' Night

Akela and Amanda are spending the night. We're watching movies, ranting, spilling our guts, and basically just enjoying ourselves a little. It's a good feeling to know that all the people I had to say goodbye to just a few days ago are still right by my side. I love the feeling of sitting around with people I love and being totally comfortable with every single word I say. My thoughts are able to just gush out and I don't have to be ashamed because these people care for me and don't want me to hold it in. We're watching The Goonies first, and I just realized I haven't seen this movie in ages. Akela's currently MIA because she had to go be DD for 'the boys' really fast. She's a doll. She pooped in my bathroom a few minutes ago and now I'm scared to go in there. When she first arrived, she ran around my little apartment and had a grand old time exploring and moving in. She brought soap and spare clothing. After settling in, we searched our entrance/exit options and realized that the door in my room would work if the rug wasn't so thick. So, instead, we're crawling through windows. Hey, whatever works.

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