Monday, August 24, 2009

Now the time is near for Ironman to spread fear.

Today I went to Binghamton with Tia Scott, who I've been friends with since fifth grade when our mothers forced us to go on a playdate. We hated eachother beforehand, but the playdate changed things a little bit. Over the years, Tia and I have had many master plans. We've written songs for eachother, gone through a spirituality phase, planned our college careers together, popped her waterbed, played too many video games, and stayed up way too late. Tia introduced me to a kind of friendship that I wouldn't have found anywhere else.
Anyway, on this trip to Binghamton, we visited a bank, ate amazing burgers at Five Guys, went to the mall, and to the dollar store. In between all of this, we danced in the car...a lot. Every song that came on the radio was either fun to dance to, or just plain amusing. There were 12 year olds driving a Honda Civic and wearing their hats to the side. A Jewish man was either drunk, blind, or just a horrible driver. We laughed as tractor trailors had to slow down going up hills. We both wished to be little with red fluffy hair, and neither of us were granted that wish.
This day was honestly what I needed. The past few days have otherwise been a complete waste. I'm overly tired and very grumpy, but a trip to Binghamton with Tia while she wore a silly hat was definitely a change of pace. When she runs off to NYU, leaving her crazy Marietta car here, she will be missed.

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