Friday, August 28, 2009

'I promise.'

The word 'promise' is probably one of the most meaningful words in the English dictionary...for me at least. I know that many people don't take promises seriously, but I do. I have been known to completely shut others out of my life after breaking a promise to me. It's actually the only time I have been able to stop contact with a person. If you know me, you know that I have problems letting go of people that I care about. Pinky promises are even more important to me. I'm like a little girl when it comes to pinky promises. If you make a promise to me, pinky swear, and seal it with a kiss (on the hand), you had better be able to keep that promise at all costs. I would never back another person into a corner by forcing them to make a promise they couldn't keep. That's completely unfair. If a promise is obviously ridiculous and unlikely, then I wont even bother.

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