Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine.

Mornings are the absolute worst sometimes. I'm not sure why, but they are. Once in a while, I'll wake up feeling like I've been hit by an eighteen-wheeler. My head hurts, my back hurts, my ribs and legs are sore, and I haven't the slightest idea why. I wouldn't exactly call it enjoyable, but I'm pretty sure I'm just used to it now. I would really like to find the cause of this problem though, so that I can fix it.
The problem could be too much sleep. Usually, I sleep for three or four hours at most, and that somehow gets me through the day. I don't feel sore or achy at all. Last night, I slept for almost seven hours, and I woke up feeling like garbage. Granted, I felt like shit before I went to bed, and I had some trouble falling asleep, but that much sleep should have somehow helped the situation. I've woken up with absolutely no energy. My throat is even semi-sore.
This post is completely pointless, and kind of horribly written, but I just don't understand. I could probably sleep for the rest of the day if my mind (and grandmother) would allow it. Maybe I'll just take a few Tylenol and get over it.

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